Podcast: TED Talks series - Jonathan Foley: The Other Inconvenient Truth
Initial Publication Date: June 30, 2015
17:47 minutes
TED Talks series, FILMED OCT 2010 - POSTED APR 2012 - TEDxTC
A skyrocketing demand for food means that agriculture has become the largest driver of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental destruction. At TEDxTC Jonathan Foley shows why we desperately need to begin "terraculture" -- farming for the whole planet.
Learning Goals
Foley wants to bring the impending agricultural crisis into the mainstream awareness of people's minds.
Context for Use
Description and Teaching Materials
Teaching Notes and Tips
This material can be used to explore the agricultural crisis that is rapidly increasing due to the population increase and climate crisis.
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Assessment is at the discretion of the educator and how this material is applied.
References and Resources
Jonathan Foley studies complex environmental systems and their affects on society. His computer models have shown the deep impact agriculture is having on our planet. Full Bio >>