Role Playing: Climate Change Mitigation

Patrick Callahan


Students will apply a role-playing activity to explore the challenges facing climate change planning in New York City. Radley Horton, lead climate scientist on PlaNYC, will provide an overview of the inter-agency and organization climate change planning process he participated in. Students will relate their exercise to the very complicated process described by Mr. Horton.

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Learning Goals

In this lesson, students will:

  • Explore NYC's innovative, and complex plan, to adapt to climate change.
  • Identify the key risks and challenges to climate change plan negotiations in New York City.
  • Engage in a role-playing activity with the purpose of coming to a consensus despite different interests and constituent groups.

Context for Use

See lesson plan

Description and Teaching Materials

See lesson plan >>

Climate Change Mitigation
Lesson plan for lecture class ClimateChangeMitigationCarbonCycle_LP_PC.doc (Microsoft Word 63kB Dec7 15)
IPCC Reading
Reading for lecture class
IPCC_Mitigation.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 631kB Dec7 15)

Climate Change Mitigation
PowerPoint for attached lecture class
RtCC_spring_2011_carbon_management_ps_march_22_2011.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 9.7MB Dec7 15)

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Teaching Notes and Tips

See lesson plan


Responses to following questions due before class:

1) Play CEO2 Game according to the posted instructions

2) Write a (max. 1 page) response to the following question: What needs to be done in order to make the environmentalist happy?

References and Resources

See lesson plan


Callahan, P. (2012). Role Playing: Climate Change Mitigation