Podcast: TED Talks series - Lee Hotz: Inside an Antarctic time machine
Initial Publication Date: July 11, 2015
Science columnist Lee Hotz describes a remarkable project at West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide, Antarctica, where a hardy team are drilling into ten-thousand-year-old ice to extract vital data on our changing climate.
Learning Goals
To explain how studying ice cores can explain Earth's historic atmosphere, and in turn help us understand solutions for the current climate change problem.
Context for Use
Description and Teaching Materials
Listen or Download >> TED Talks: Lee Hotz: Inside an Antarctic time machine
Teaching Notes and Tips
As an explaination for why understanding Earth's past atmospheric changes are important for creating sustainable solutions for the future of Earth's atmosphere and climate.
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References and Resources
Robert Lee Hotz is the science columnist for the Wall Street Journal, where he writes about cutting-edge research on climate change, cosmology, molecular medicine, the human brain and much more ... He has traveled three times to the South Pole. Full Bio>>