Podcast: TED Talks series - Rachel Pike: The Science behind a Climate Headline
Initial Publication Date: July 11, 2015
4 minutes
TED TALKS series, FILMED JUL 2009 - POSTED NOV 2009 - TEDGlobal 2009
Atmospheric chemist Rachel Pike provides a glimpse of the massive scientific effort behind the bold headlines on climate change, with her team -- one of thousands who contributed -- taking a risky flight over the rainforest in pursuit of data on a key molecule.
Learning Goals
To demonstrate the great amounts of scientific work and research that are behind every valid climate headline.
Context for Use
Description and Teaching Materials
Listen or Download >> TED Talks: Rachel Pike: The Science behind a Climate Headline
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Teaching Notes and Tips
As a quick look at understanding the large amounts of scientific work and research that are done before a great discovery or understanding.
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References and Resources
Rachel Pike studies climate change at the molecular level -- tracking how emissions from biofuel crops react with the air to shape weather trends globally. Full Bio>>