Podcast: TED Talks series - Al Gore: Averting the Climate Crisis
Initial Publication Date: July 12, 2015
16 minutes
TED Talks series, FILMED FEB 2006 - POSTED JUN 2006 - TED2006
With the same humor and humanity he exuded in An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore spells out 15 ways that individuals can address climate change immediately, from buying a hybrid to inventing a new, hotter "brand name" for global warming.
Learning Goals
Al Gore provides the audience with 15 ways in which individuals can address the climate crisis in their personal lives
Context for Use
Description and Teaching Materials
Listen >> TED Talks: Al Gore: Averting the Climate Crisis
Teaching Notes and Tips
This provides information on what individuals can do to help stop the climate crisis in their daily lives.
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Assessment is at the discretion of the educator and how this material is applied.
References and Resources
Once the US Vice President, then star of An Inconvenient Truth, now Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore found a way to focus the world's attention on climate change. In doing so, he has invented a new medium -- the Keynote movie -- and reinvented himself. Full Bio>>