Podcast: TED Talks series - Rob Hopkins: Transition to a World without Oil

TED Talks


16:40 minutes

TED Talks series, FILMED JUL 2009 - POSTED NOV 2009 - TEDGlobal 2009

Rob Hopkins reminds us that the oil our world depends on is steadily running out. He proposes a unique solution to this problem -- the Transition response, where we prepare ourselves for life without oil and sacrifice our luxuries to build systems and communities that are completely independent of fossil fuels.

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Learning Goals

Hopkins wants to explain his view that the Transition response is the best response due to the current status of the climate crisis. He wants to clarify how the most effective solution would be to stop using fossil fuels all together, instead of trying to figure out a way to prolong their use as long as possible.

Context for Use


Description and Teaching Materials

Listen >> TED Talks: Rob Hopkins: Transition to a World without Oil

Click Here to Listen to Podcast

Teaching Notes and Tips

This material can be used to explore an alternative lifestyle to using fossil fuels and the benefits that it brings. This material also explains that the most effective solution to the climate crisis is to change human lifestyle to stop using fossil fuels completely.


Assessment is at the discretion of the educator and how this material is applied.

References and Resources

Rob Hopkins is the founder of the Transition Movement, a radically hopeful and community-driven approach to creating societies independent of fossil fuel. Full Bio >>


Talks, T. (2012). Podcast: TED Talks series - Rob Hopkins: Transition to a World without Oil.