Video: TED Talks series - David Keith's Unusual Climate Change Idea
Initial Publication Date: August 6, 2015
15:56 minutes
TED Talks series, FILMED SEP 2007 - POSTED NOV 2007 - TEDSalon 2007 Hot Science
Environmental scientist David Keith proposes a cheap, effective, shocking means to address climate change: What if we injected a huge cloud of ash into the atmosphere to deflect sunlight and heat?
Learning Goals
Keith wants to open up discussion on the available climate cooling techniques that science can offer and produce.
Context for Use
Description and Teaching Materials
Watch >> TED Talks: David Keith's Unusual Climate Change Idea
Listen >> TED Talks: David Keith's Unusual Climate Change Idea
Teaching Notes and Tips
This material can be used to explore the more unconventional methods for reversing global warming that are being invented and considered as the Earth continues down a dire state.
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References and Resources
David Keith studies our climate, and the many ideas we've come up with to fix it. A wildly original thinker, he challenges us to look at climate solutions that may seem daring, sometimes even shocking. Full Bio >>