Video: Carbon Crisis in 90 Seconds: NASA
Initial Publication Date: August 13, 2015
Provenance: This image was found on the original camel webpage for this podcast.
Reuse: This item is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license You may reuse this item for non-commercial purposes as long as you provide attribution and offer any derivative works under a similar license.
2:20 minutes
By burning coal and oil, people are adding old carbon to the atmosphere faster than plants and the oceans can take it out. The carbon in the atmosphere acts like a blanket trapping heat and making the planet warmer.
Credit: NASA
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Learning Goals
To increase awareness of climate change and factors contributing to it.
Context for Use
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Teaching Notes and Tips
Assessment is at the discretion of the educator and how this video is applied.
References and Resources
Provenance: This image was found on the original camel webpage for this podcast.
Reuse: This item is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license You may reuse this item for non-commercial purposes as long as you provide attribution and offer any derivative works under a similar license.
Brown, G. (2012). Video: Carbon Crisis in 90 Seconds: NASA. Retrieved from