Part 3—Analyze the Data

Step 1 –
Analyze Graphs to Interpret Variability

Examine the data in your graphs to answer the questions listed below each set of images.

min_temp max_temp

Examine the images above. Are minimum and maximum temperatures predicted to increase by roughly the same magnitude over the next hundred years?

Examine the image above. Which state is predicted to have the greatest increases in minimum temperatures over the next century?

Examine the image above. Which state is predicted to have the smallest increase in maximum temperatures over the next 100 years?

Examine the image above. Which state is predicted to have the greatest increase in precipitation over the next hundred years?

What are the projections for solar radiation in the state that is predicted to see the greatest increase in precipitation? Does this make sense?

Step 2 –
Download and Graph Data for Your State

Place an order for temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation projections for your state through the year 2100. Graph the data and compare these graphs with other states.

Step 3 –
Explore the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Your Region

The United States Global Change Research Program has information on the potential impacts of climate change on each of the regions. Explore the potential impacts of climate change on your region by accessing the United States Global Change Research Program website ( This site may be offline. ) and then selecting your region on the U.S. map. You may also wish to research climate change impacts by sector from this site.

The EPA Climate Change website has additional information and includes links to what states are doing legislatively to respond to climate change. Other references and state resources are also provided. Explore the potential impacts of climate change on your region and state by accessing the EPA Climate Change website (more info) and then selecting from the links on the page.

Using the graphs you've just created and these published reports, consider these questions:
  • How might agriculture be affected (either positively or negatively) by the climate changes predicted for your state?
  • What are the projected impacts on forestry on your state?
  • What other industries in your state might be affected by the climate changes predicted for your state?
  • What human-health related impacts might occur as a result of predicted increases in temperature in the next century?